Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A story from the song, 'Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You' :

     There was a phone call interview done by a blog owner of the AMBY blog when The 1975 were in Tokyo. They have been keeping up with the band's update since their first album release until now.
     One of the question was, "Some of the songs have some unbelievable lyrics! So I just wanted to ask you, which The 1975 lyric is your favourite?" And Matty answered, "Oh that’s hard. I’d really hate to say. I mean, it spans so much because it really is an extension of my identity. I suppose there’s certain songs that connect with me more than others. On the album, for example, the last song Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You, that’s probably one of the more saddening songs for me that I’ve ever written because it’s about me leaving my family essentially—me leaving home—and making sure that there was somebody there to watch my little brother. It’s songs like that, and songs like Me that put things into perspective. I suppose every other day I’d probably have a different lyric depending on what mood I’m in. And you can probably see that by our music because it goes from really upbeat guitar-pop to somber and almost R&B. Do you know what I mean?"

- SA

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