Saturday, March 12, 2016

How did the band get their name, "The 1975" ?

It all started when Matty, the lead singer of the band found out at the back of a beat-era book given to him by a "gregarious artist" the date 1st June The 1975. He met him at a yard sale in northern Majorca at the age of 19. Matty said, "He showed me a round his house, it was like a sixties bizarre haberdashery. He had photos of him with Hendrix, I thought thus guy was fucking crazy! He gave me loads of beat generation literature, Kerouac and stuff. When I went home I read them and in the back of one of them there was all these mental scribbling, it was almost suicidal, and it was dated at the bottom '1st June, The 1975'. I was quite freaked out when I read it, the use of the word 'The' really stuck with me. It was the perfect band name."

- SA

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