Wednesday, March 16, 2016



sex: i luv a girl, she has a boyfriend but she’s a cheater so she always has sex with me. she also gives me blowjobs. i’m sad. imma fuck all her friends lol
chocolate: we luv to smoke weed. weed weed weED!!!!! WE LOVE WEED. weed!!! everything smells weed. my hair smells weed. my car smells weed. fuk the cops are coming we needa go!!!! who tf is rebecca
antichrist: i hate religions, hell yea satan!!!! go richard dawkins!!! 
woman: i fell in love with a prostitute when i was like 12 hehe
she way out: she can’t dance, she has two phones why does she have two phones put your fuckin phones away i wanna see your eyes
you: my girlfriend kissed all my friends so i fucked everybody here. not my fault m8
head cars bending: more blowjobs. this time in a car. drinking falling spewing.
menswear: trying to get some drugs for the wedding. i only brought 3 and everybody’s talking to me about it. bet you all googled “yosh in your mouth”
girls: trying to rationalize falling in love with a fit 17 and a half year old girl when i was 23 and feeling weird about it because she was closer to my little brother’s age than mine. chestle to the ground.
robbers: i’m obsessed with true romance, just wrote this song so i could shoot the video where i get drunk and use a gun and make out with a model the whole time
settle down: more soft sounds, more hooking up with girls in my childhood bedroom, let’s be honest the only thing that matters about this song is the “oohh” after “you’re cold and i burn” when i sing it live
money: more drugs, feed the nose means cocaine, he likes to get blown = more blowjobs and/or cocaine, depends on the day, basically i don’t like golddiggers, bloody nose and powders = more coke references, when you lark about = dog barks
so far: more coke, but this time at pete’s house. more weed references, sex and killing yourself. girl with silver spoon and zoot in her mouth is same girlfriend with enormous house in fallingforyou (her daddy rich). gave adam a shoutout. hann, please.
the city: best advice i ever got for a bad trip: get in the shower if it all goes wrong (more drugs i love drugs). literally no idea what the second verse about counting cards means, i was drunk lolz. mostly just wanted an excuse to project a cityscape onto my shirtless body and a model’s for the video. 
talk: lungs in tar = i love ciggies, kitchen full of pop stars = my mum is famous. who the fuck knows what polemic means? i love big words lol i left school at 16 didnt even pick up my GCSE results, went to leeds festival and got wrecked instead. doesn’t matter anyway because we can’t play this live anymore because george has tendinitis in his arm and it hurts him i never want you to hurt george are you ok george i love you george. 
heart out: more drug references, fucked the whole town again whoops. doesn’t my little bruva look like me in the video? we painted my chest tattoo on him hey give me back my floral robbers shirt louis. russian in a small town.

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